Welcome to Waypoint Wabash. How may we help you today?
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Waypoint will provide women a place for women to recover! Without proper support, many of these women fall back into addiction once they return home. Waypoint will provide women the opportunity to live in a transitional recovery home allowing them to build a foundation for their life with the support of others in similar situations.
About Waypoint WabashRecovery Support
Recovery homes are truly invaluable in providing residents the opportunity to build self-worth, self-empowerment, and sustainability and to become productive members in society. The establishment of Waypoint will undoubtedly be an asset to our community.
"As a recovering person with 38+ years of sobriety, I have real world knowledge of the challenges around recovery. I am committed to Waypoint because it provides the necessary environment to nurture and help maintain and sustain recovery."
Bill Konyha